Global Human Rights Training Institute (GHRLTI)

The objective of Global Human Rights Leadership Training Institute (GHRLTI) is to train and support new generations of human rights educators, who will in turn establish such learning in their communities. The GHRLTI program that focuses on international human rights standards, current human rights issues and human rights learning strategies. The exploration of human rights principles and instruments, ongoing critical reflection and inquiry and extensive sharing of experiences allow participants to strengthen their leadership capacity to engage in effective human rights learning.

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To strengthen the capacity of human rights organisations to undertake human rights learning efforts in their various communities, aimed at fostering a global culture of human rights.

The Global Human Rights Leadership Training Institute (GHRLTI) aims at enabling participating organisations to undertake more effective human rights education activities in their various countries and communities. To this end, the Program places a strong emphasis on the transfer of learning and on follow-up activities. Participants attending the Program will develop an Individual Action Plan for putting their learning into action as part of the training. Therefore, when submitting an application for one of our programs, organisations, together with the candidates they nominate to attend the Program, should consider how the transfer of their learning might take place within their organisation after the Program. This is expected to help the participants to integrate their experiences into their organisations work as well as building partnership and developing new programs in the field of human rights.

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