Course Description
Human rights and social justice are fundamental concepts that play a crucial role in shaping the world we live in. This course is designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the key principles and issues related to human rights and social justice.
Through this course, participants will explore the historical and philosophical foundations of human rights, and analyze the ways in which human rights are protected and violated around the world. They will also examine the role of social justice in promoting fairness and equality in societies, and consider the challenges and barriers that exist in achieving social justice.
The course will cover a range of topics, including the rights of marginalized groups, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, poverty, and inequality. Participants will be encouraged to critically engage with these issues, and to develop their own perspectives on how human rights and social justice can be promoted in their own communities and beyond.
By the end of this course, Participants will have a deep understanding of the importance of human rights and social justice, and will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to promote these values in their personal and professional lives.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the concept of human rights and social justice, and identify the historical and philosophical foundations of these concepts.
- Analyze the various ways in which human rights are protected and violated around the world, and assess the impact of these violations on individuals and communities.
- Evaluate the role of social justice in promoting fairness and equality in societies, and identify the challenges and barriers that exist in achieving social justice.
- Apply critical thinking and analytical skills to analyze issues related to marginalized groups, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, poverty, and inequality, and propose strategies for addressing these issues.
- Develop a comprehensive understanding of the international human rights framework, including the role of treaties, conventions, and international bodies in promoting and protecting human rights.
- Design and propose effective policies, programs, and interventions that promote human rights and social justice, and demonstrate an understanding of the ethical and moral principles that underpin these efforts.
Target Audience
This course on Human Rights and Social Justice is intended for participants who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the principles and issues related to these important concepts. The course is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students in a range of disciplines, including political science, sociology, law, and international relations. It is also appropriate for professionals who work in fields related to human rights and social justice, such as advocacy, policy-making, and community development. No prior knowledge of the subject matter is required to take this course.
Technical Requirement
To participate in this online course, participants will need a reliable internet connection and a computer, laptop, or mobile device. The course will be hosted on Global Human Rights Leadership Training Institute platform, which participants will access using their web browser. The platform is compatible with most modern web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. Additional technology requirements will be communicated to participants in advance if necessary.
Award of the Certificates
Participants, who successfully complete all course requirements, including assignments and assessments, will be awarded a certificate of completion on Human Rights and Social Justice. The certificate will highlight the skills and knowledge gained in the course, providing valuable recognition of the participant’s achievements.
Course Fee
The course fee for is US$300. Limited partial scholarships are available for participants developing countries who demonstrate financial need. Details on the partial scholarship application process will be provided upon registration.
Duration/Time Commitment
This course on Human Rights and Social Justice is designed to be flexible for busy professionals. The course has duration of 84 hours, which can be completed over a period of four (4) weeks. Participants will have access to the course materials and assignments 24/7 and can complete the coursework at their own pace. Additionally, there is a possibility of an extension if required. This flexibility allows participants to balance their work and personal commitments while still benefiting from the course.
Application Procedure
Interested participants can register for this course by filling out an online application form at https://justicegroup.org/submit-your-application-form/ or request an application form from email: applications@justicegroup.org. The application deadline is 11 March 2025, while payment is due on 12 March 2025. Once accepted, participants will be provided with payment details, and payment must be made before the participant can start the course.
Further inquiries about the course may be sent to: applications@justicegroup.org OR global4learning@gmail.com.
Course Curriculum
HRSJ Course Overview
Introduction to Human Rights and Social Justice
- Introduction
- Understanding the concept of human rights
- Values underlying human rights
- Historical development of human rights
- Overview of social justice: concepts, theories, and goals
- The relationship between human rights and social justice
- Overview of international human rights frameworks and instruments
- Key definitions and concepts in human rights and social justice
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 1
Theoretical Perspectives on Human Rights and Social Justice
The Fundamentals of Human Rights Systems
- Introduction
- Rights/entitlements
- Obligations / commitments
- Accountability mechanisms
- International human rights instruments
- Regional human rights systems
- National human rights frameworks
- Case studies of landmark human rights cases
- The role of civil society and NGOs in advancing human rights
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment -3
Fundamental Human Rights Principles
- Introduction
- Sources of human rights
- Customary international law
- General practice
- Opinio luris
- Ius cogens
- Human rights as the guarantor of human dignity
- Implementing human rights
- The requirement of legality
- The rule of law
- The right to an effective remedy
- Retrospectivity
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 4
Human Rights of Women
- Introduction
- Gender and the widespread misconception of human rights of women
- Historical overview of the rights of women
- Women and poverty
- Women and health
- Women and violence
- Women and armed conflict
- Intercultural perspectives and controversial issues
- Implementation and monitoring of human rights of women
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 5
The Rights of the Child
- The struggle to protect the rights of the child
- Child rights and human/child security
- The nature and content of the human rights of children
- Principal concepts of the convention on the rights of the child
- Intercultural perspectives and controversial issues
- Implementation and monitoring of the human rights of the child
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 6
Human Rights Standards and Security
Human Rights and the Guarantee of Democratic Pluralism
The General Application of Human Rights: How Human Rights Work
Final Assessment