Course Description
This course focuses on community-based disaster risk management from a gender perspective. The course aims to provide participants with an understanding of the importance of gender in disaster risk management and the need to involve the local community in disaster planning and management. Participants will learn about the different types of disasters, their impact on communities, and the various strategies that can be employed to mitigate their effects.
The course will cover topics such as community engagement, gender-sensitive disaster risk assessment, disaster preparedness, and response planning. Participants will also explore the role of gender in disaster risk management, including gender-based violence, women’s empowerment, and gender-sensitive relief and recovery efforts. The course will draw on case studies from around the world to highlight the importance of incorporating a gender perspective into disaster risk management.
By the end of the course, participants will have gained the knowledge and skills necessary to design and implement community-based disaster risk management strategies that are inclusive, gender-sensitive, and effective.
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course on Community-based Disaster Risk Management from a Gender Perspective, learners will be able to:
- Understand the importance of involving local communities in disaster risk management, and identify the challenges faced by marginalized communities in disaster situations.
- Analyze the gender-specific needs and vulnerabilities of communities and integrate a gender perspective into disaster risk assessment and management.
- Develop community-based disaster preparedness and response plans that are sensitive to the needs of women, children, and other vulnerable groups.
- Design gender-sensitive disaster relief and recovery programs that are inclusive and meet the diverse needs of affected communities.
- Understand the linkages between gender-based violence and disasters, and develop strategies to prevent and address gender-based violence in disaster situations.
- Develop skills in community engagement, stakeholder consultation, and participatory approaches to disaster risk management, ensuring that all members of the community have a voice in decision-making processes.
Target Audience
This course on is designed for disaster risk management professionals, gender specialists, development practitioners, government officials, and NGO staff working in disaster-prone areas. The course is also relevant for individuals and organizations involved in community development, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief efforts. Participants will benefit from this course by gaining knowledge and skills to design and implement community-based disaster risk management strategies that are gender-sensitive and effective in reducing disaster risks and promoting inclusive disaster management.
Technical Requirement
To participate in this online course, participants will need a reliable internet connection and a computer, laptop, or mobile device. The course will be hosted on Global Human Rights Leadership Training Institute platform, which participants will access using their web browser. The platform is compatible with most modern web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. Additional technology requirements will be communicated to participants in advance if necessary.
Award of the Certificates
Participants, who successfully complete all course requirements, including assignments and assessments, will be awarded a certificate of completion in Community-based Disaster Risk Management from a Gender Perspective. The certificate will highlight the skills and knowledge gained in the course, providing valuable recognition of the participant’s achievements.
Course Fee
The course fee for is US$300. Limited partial scholarships are available for participants from developing countries who demonstrate financial need. Details on the partial scholarship application process will be provided upon registration.
Duration/Time Commitment
This course is designed to be flexible for busy professionals. The course has duration of 50 hours, which can be completed over a period of four (4) weeks. Participants will have access to the course materials and assignments 24/7 and can complete the coursework at their own pace. Additionally, there is a possibility of an extension if required. This flexibility allows participants to balance their work and personal commitments while still benefiting from the course.
Application Procedure
Interested participants can register for this course by filling out an online application form at or request an application form from email: The application deadline is 13 February 2025, while payment is due on 14 February 2025. Once accepted, participants will be provided with payment details, and payment must be made before the participant can start the course.
Further inquiries about the course may be sent to: OR
Course Curriculum
Course Overview
Module 1: Introduction to Community-Based Disaster Risk Management from a Gender Perspective
Module 2: Understanding Disasters and their Impacts on Communities
- Introduction
- Theoretical frame works of disasters
- Types of disasters and their impacts
- Vulnerability and risk assessment
- The disaster cycle and preparedness
- Building community resilience through mitigation strategies
- Community-level disaster risk management strategies
- Disaster response and recovery
- Global perspectives on disasters
- International cooperation and humanitarian aid
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeways
- Assignment – 2
Module 3: Gender-sensitive Disaster Risk Assessment
- Introduction
- Understanding gender and sex as social constructs
- Exploring the impacts of gender stereotypes and norms in disaster context
- Why gender matters in disaster risk assessment
- Gender analysis in disaster risk assessment
- Integrating gender in hazard and vulnerability assessment
- Gender-responsive risk communication and early warning
- Gender-specific vulnerabilities in disaster situations
- Gender-sensitive disaster risk assessment methodologies
- Gender-sensitive risk reduction and resilience building
- Mainstreaming gender in disaster policy and decision-making
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 3
Module 4: Community-based Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning
- Introduction
- Understanding disaster risk
- The role of communities in disaster preparedness
- Risk assessment and hazard mapping
- Developing a community-based disaster preparedness plan
- Planning and preparedness for disaster situations
- Gender-sensitive disaster response planning
- Addressing the needs of vulnerable groups in disaster response
- Early warning systems and evacuation planning
- Community response and recovery strategies
- Monitoring and evaluation of disaster preparedness plans
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 4
Module 5: Gender-sensitive Relief and Recovery Programming
- Introduction
- Understanding gender dynamics in humanitarian contexts
- Incorporating gender considerations in disaster recovery planning
- Integrating gender analysis into needs assessments
- Gender-sensitive design and implementation of relief activities
- Gender-responsive programming principles
- Gender-sensitive relief and recovery programs
- Building resilience and reducing future risks
- Coordination and collaboration for gender-responsive programming
- Mainstreaming gender in organizational culture and policies
- Monitoring, evaluation and learning for gender sensitivity
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 5
Module 6: Addressing Gender-based Violence in Disaster Situations
- Introduction
- Understanding gender-based violence in disaster contexts
- Linkages between gender-based violence and disasters
- GBV risk assessment and mitigation
- GBV prevention and response strategies in disaster situations
- Frameworks and guidelines for addressing GBV in disaster situations
- Policy and advocacy for GBV prevention in disasters
- Monitoring and evaluation of GBV interventions
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 6
Module 7: Community Engagement and Participation in Disaster Risk Management
- Introduction
- Importance of community engagement in disaster risk management
- Participatory approaches to disaster risk management
- Community-based disaster risk assessment
- Building community resilience
- Community engagement and participation in disaster preparedness
- Addressing power dynamics and ensuring inclusive decision-making
- Community-led recovery and reconstruction
- Monitoring and evaluation of community engagement
- Summary of key learning points
- Key takeaways
- Assignment – 7
Module 8: Case Studies and Best Practices
Module 9: Final Assessment and Course Wrap-up