Human Rights & Justice Group International (HRJGI) seeks to enhance knowledge, advocate for observance of human rights, and encourage exchange of information and experience for the betterment of the citizenry through instrumentality of law, education, enlightenment & humanification.
Human Rights Advocacy
Volunteer outreach teams in each of the geo-political zones of Nigeria work within their communities to promote and protect human rights, children’s rights, labour rights, good urban governance, women’s political participation and legal interventions for the protection of at-risk populations.
Internet Security and Governance
Drug cartels, organized crime, international money launderers and computer criminals are using cyberspace to steal credit card information and personal information, to commit fraud and computer sabotage. Human Rights and Justice Group International stands in the forefront of the campaign against Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism and works continually to bring these criminals to justice.
Training and Capacity Building
Justice Group’s human rights education projects serve to energize and motivate communities to recognize human rights as a powerful tool for social action. The programs concentrate on the promotion and protection of fundamental rights and basic freedoms.

- Memory Mandikiana, IOM – Beitbridge, Zimbabwe
- Hillary Farm, California, USA
- Susanne Kozak, UNDP – Kigali, Rwanda
- Taboko Adolf Keffie, Medical Section, UNV – UNMIT, Dili, Timor Leste
- Leonard Ndikiminwe, Burundi Peace Building Association (ACOPA), Burundi
- Esther Tidjani, GIZ office, Kigali, Rwanda
- Bianca Baldo, Gender & Human Trafficking Consultant, Montreal, Canada
- Eugene Katzin, FHI 360, USA
- Katrina Grozodanovic, UN office in Bangkok, Thailand
Measuring attitudes towards gender norms to improve education policy and programs
Together with measures of learning outcomes and the educational environment, data on gender attitudes can provide the nuanced information we need to develop contextualized approaches to promote gender equality and evaluate the impact of our interventions.more»